Jacques-Olivier Lachaud

Jacques-Olivier Lachaud

Professor of Computer Science

University Savoie Mont Blanc

Laboratory of Mathematics


I am Professor of Computer Science at University Savoie Mont Blanc, and member of the Laboratory of Mathematics. I am responsible of the Cursus Master en Ingénierie Informatique, and I teach in the Computer Science department of UFR Science and Montagne. My research interests includes digital geometry and topology, image segmentation and analysis, geometry processing, variational models, and discrete calculus. Albeit not an expert, I am also quite fond of arithmetic, word combinatorics, computational geometry, combinatorial topology, differential geometry and I often use several related results in my research.

Download my resumé: short (en) / short (fr) ) / long (fr) , my HDR dissertation (fr) and slides (fr) , my PhD dissertation (fr)

  • Digital Geometry
  • Image analysis
  • Geometry processing
  • Variational models
  • Discrete calculus
  • HDR in Computer science (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), 2006

    University Bordeaux 1

  • PhD in Computer Science, 1998

    University Joseph Fourier

  • MSc in Computer Science, 1994

    University Joseph Fourier

  • Engineer in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994

    ENSIMAG School of Engineering

Recent Publications


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(2024). Delaunay property and proximity results of the L-algorithm for digital plane probing. Theoretical Computer Science, 1011: 114719, 2024.

PDF Cite Project DOI URL

(2024). Construction of Fast and Accurate 2D Bijective Rigid Transformation. In: Brunetti, S., Frosini, A., Rinaldi, S. (eds) Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. DGMM 2024, volume 14605 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 80-92, 2024. Springer, Cham.

PDF Cite Project DOI URL

(2024). Digital Calculus Frameworks and Comparative Evaluation of Their Laplace-Beltrami Operators. In: Brunetti, S., Frosini, A., Rinaldi, S. (eds) Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. DGMM 2024, volume 14605 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 93-106, 2024. Springer, Cham.

PDF Cite Project Slides DOI URL

(2024). New characterizations of full convexity. In: Brunetti, S., Frosini, A., Rinaldi, S. (eds) Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. DGMM 2024, volume 14605 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 41-53, 2024. Springer, Cham.

PDF Cite Project Poster DOI URL

(2023). An Envelope Operator for Full Convexity to Define Polyhedral Models in Digital Spaces. J. Math. Imaging Vis., 2023.

PDF Cite Code Project DOI URL Springer Access

(2023). Lightweight Curvature Estimation on Point Clouds with Randomized Corrected Curvature Measures. Comput. Graph. Forum, (Proc. of Symposium on Geometry Processing, SGP2023, Genova, Italy)), 42(5): e14910, 2023.

PDF Cite Project DOI Slides Supplementary Code URL

(2023). Joint optimization of distortion and cut location for mesh parameterization using an Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Proc. International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2023), Genoa, Italy. 102231, 2023..

PDF Cite Code Project DOI Slides URL

(2023). Elastica Energy Regularization via Graph Cuts. Research report, hal-04421328, 2024.

PDF Cite Project URL

(2022). A Simple Discrete Calculus for Digital Surfaces. Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology - Second International Joint Conference, DGMM 2022, Strasbourg, France, Oct 24-27, 2022, Proceedings, pp 341-353, volume 13493 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022, Springer, Cham..

PDF Cite Code Project

(2022). An Alternative Definition for Digital Convexity. J. Math. Imaging Vis., 64(7): 718-735, 2022.

PDF Cite Code Project DOI URL

(2022). Corrected Curvature Measures. Discret. Comput. Geom., 68(2): 477–524, 2022.

PDF Cite Code Project DOI URL

(2022). Full convexity for polyhedral models in digital spaces. Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology - Second International Joint Conference, DGMM 2022, Strasbourg, France, Oct 24-27, 2022, Proceedings, pp 98-109, volume 13493 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022, Springer, Cham..

PDF Cite Code Project Slides

(2021). A Maximum-Flow Model for Digital Elastica Shape Optimization. Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology - First International Joint Conference, DGMM 2021, Uppsala, Sweden, May 24-27, 2021, Proceedings.

PDF Cite Project DOI URL

(2021). An Alternative Definition for Digital Convexity. Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology - First International Joint Conference, DGMM 2021, Uppsala, Sweden, May 24-27, 2021, Proceedings, volume 12708 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 269–282, 2021. Springer.

PDF Cite Code Project DOI URL

(2021). An Elastica-Driven Digital Curve Evolution Model for Image Segmentation. J. Math. Imaging Vis., 63(1): 1-17, 2021.

PDF Cite Project DOI URL

Recent & Upcoming Talks


Tutorial on digital geometry at DGMM2024
Introduction to digital geometry
Tutorial on digital geometry at DGMM2024
Full convexity: new characterisations and applications
Invited talk at Meeting on Tomography and Applications 2023
Full convexity: new characterisations and applications
DGtal tutorial at DGMM2022
A tutorial on the DGtal library with several practicals.
DGtal tutorial at DGMM2022
Graduate School on Digital Geometry
A graduate school on digital geometry for the geometry processing community.
Graduate School on Digital Geometry

Events & Meetings

Thematic year "Geometry" of GDR IFM and IGRV
Co-pilot (with M. Desbrun).
Thematic year "Geometry" of GDR IFM and IGRV
Conference on Digital Geometry and Discrete Variational Calculus
Chair of the organization committee.
Conference on Digital Geometry and Discrete Variational Calculus
Cross Border Meeting on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Applications
Cross Border Meeting on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Applications



implicit/algebraic surface viewer

(project for pedagogy and fun)

Mar. 2024 - May. 2024



Stable Geometry Processing and High Performance Calculus on Heterogeneous Geometrical Data

(ANR project ANR-22-CE46)

Feb. 2023 - Jan. 2028

Team Leader LAMA


PARameter-free Analysis of DIgital Surfaces

(ANR JCJC project ANR-18-CE23-0007-01)

Dec. 2018 - Mar. 2024



Convergent Metrics for Digital Calculus

(ANR project ANR-15-CE40-0006)

Oct. 2015 - Jul. 2021

Principal Investigator


Discrete Geometry and Applied Mathematics for Snow Metamorphism

(ANR Blanc project ANR-11-BS02-009)

Nov. 2011 - Aug. 2016

Team Leader LAMA


Digital geometry tools and Algorithm.

Since 2010.

An open-source generic C++ library for digital geometry.



FOuille de GRandes IMages MIcroscopiques

(ANR project ANR-06-MDCA-0008)

Nov. 2006 - Oct. 2010

Team leader LaBRI/LAMA


Géométrie des Objets Discrets Bruités

(ANR project ANR-06-BLANC-0225)

Nov. 2006 - May. 2011

Team leader LaBRI/LAMA


Current Teaching Activities

Year 2023-2024 (in progress)

UFR Sciences et Montagne / University Savoie Mont Blanc
Lectures in Computer Science in B. Sc. Licence/CMI L1 L2 L3
Sep 2023 – Aug 2024 Chambéry, France

Most of my lectures are accesible on LAMA’s wiki.

Some former lectures

UFR Sciences et Montagne / University Savoie Mont Blanc
Lectures in Computer Science, M. Sc. Master/CMI M1 M2
Sep 2023 – Aug 2024 Chambéry, France

Most of my lectures are accesible on LAMA’s wiki.


University Savoie Mont Blanc
Professor of Computer Science / Professeur en Informatique
Sep 2007 – Present Chambéry, France

Research at Laboratory of Mathematics LAMA. Teach computer science at Department of Computer Science, UFR Scem.

Scientific responsibilities include:

Administrative responsibilities include:

University	Grenoble Alpes
Temporary CNRS research position / Délégation CNRS
Sep 2012 – Aug 2013 Chambéry, France
Research at Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science LJK.
University Bordeaux 1
Associated Professor of Computer Science / Maître de Conférences en Informatique
Sep 1999 – Aug 2007 Bordeaux
Research at laboratory of Computer Science LaBRI . Taught computer science at IUT Bordeaux 1.

Advised PhD students

Defended PhD theses:

  • Daniel Martins Antunes, 7/2/2016 – 3/11/2020, Geometric constraints and variational approaches to image analysis, funding project ANR CoMeDiC, co-advised with H. Talbot (LIGM, Marne-la-Vallée). dissertation (PDF)
  • Thomas Caissard, 1/10/2015 – 13/12/2018, Laplacien discret convergent pour l’analyse de formes digitales, funding project ANR CoMeDiC, co-advised with D. Coeurjolly and T. Roussillon (LIRIS, Lyon). dissertation (PDF)
  • Marion Foare, 1/10/2013 – 26/6/2017, Analyse anisotropique des images par méthodes géométriques et variationnelles, ministry scholarship, co-advised with D. Bucur (LAMA, Chambéry). dissertation (PDF)
  • Jérémy Levallois, 1/3/2012 – 12/11/2015, Estimateurs différentiels en géométrie discrète : Applications à l’analyse de surfaces digitales, funding project ANR DigitalSnow, co-advised with D. Coeurjolly (LIRIS, Lyon). dissertation (PDF)
  • Louis Cuel, 1/10/2011 – 18/12/2014, Inférence géométrique discrète, ministry scholarship, co-advised with B. Thibert (LJK, Grenoble). dissertation (PDF)
  • Pierre-Etienne Meunier, 1/10/2009 – 28/10/2012, Automates cellulaires et complexité de communication, allocataire moniteur normalien, co-advised with G. Theyssier (LAMA). dissertation (PDF)
  • Mouhammad Saïd, 23/12/2007 – 29/11/2010, Géométrie multi-résolution des objets discrets bruités, funding project ANR GeoDIB, co-advised with F. Feschet (ISIT, Clermont). dissertation (PDF)
  • François de Vieilleville, 1/10/2003 – 6/7/2007, Analyse des parties linéaires des objets discrets et estimateurs de caractéristiques géométriques, ministry scholarship, co-advised with A. Braquelaire and A. Vialard (LaBRI, France). dissertation (PDF)
  • Sylvie Alayrangues, 1/10/2000 – 8/7/2005, Modèles et Invariants Topologiques en Imagerie Numérique, funding BDI/CNRS, co-advised with A. Braquelaire (LaBRI, France). dissertation ( PDF , PS.GZ )
  • Benjamin Taton, 1/10/2001 – 14/10/2004, Modèle déformable à densité adaptative : Application à la segmentation d’images, funding BDI/CNRS, co-advised with A. Braquelaire (LaBRI, France). dissertation (PDF)
