Geometric Total Variation for Image Vectorization, Zooming and Pixel Art Depixelizing


We propose an original method for vectorizing an image or zooming it at an arbitrary scale. The core of our method relies on the resolution of a geometric variational model and therefore offers theoretic guarantees. More precisely, it associates a total variation energy to every valid triangulation of the image pixels. Its minimization induces a triangulation that reflects image gradients. We then exploit this triangulation to precisely locate discontinuities, which can then simply be vectorized or zoomed. This new approach works on arbitrary images without any learning phase. It is particularly appealing for processing images with low quantization like pixel art and can be used for depixelizing such images. The method can be evaluated with an online demonstrator, where users can reproduce results presented here or upload their own images.

Pattern Recognition - 5th Asian Conference, ACPR 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, November 26-29, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, volume 12046 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 391-405, 2019. Springer

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Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
Professor of Computer Science

My research interests include digital geometry, geometry processing, image analysis, variational models and discrete calculus.