A real-time visualisation tool for implicit surfaces, i.e. isolevels of real-value functions f(x,y,z). It casts rays through each pixel and computes intersections with the surface. - left-clicking on the shape with the mouse change the camera position. - you can use `predefined shape` or write your custom function (glsl, C-like) and press `View Surface`. - you can change shape parameters (`a`,`b`,`c`) and use them in your functions. - you can change the viewed `isolevel` (default is 0). - `scale` allows you to zoom in/out of the surface. - `center_x`, `center_y`, `center_z` changes the center of view - you may decrease `accuracy` to get better details, at the price of increased computational burden (check fps above) - `singularity` controls how singularity are detected, 1.0: large band 0.0: invisible. - you may change the `color_model` to change the color display of surfaces: + `RGB`: color is the absolute value of the surface normal vector. + `RGB+Grid`: same as above but add shaded lines depending on the position (grid). + `RGB+Spheres`: same as above but add shaded lines depending on the position (spheres). + `Phong`: color is an illmuniation model taking into account colors and lights. + `Phong+Grid`: same as above but add shaded lines depending on the position (grid). + `Phong+Spheres`: same as above but add shaded lines depending on the position (spheres). + `Phong+2-layers`: Phong illimunation but the first surface has some transparency (see `opacity`), two surface sheets are displayed at most. - you may change the colors of the surface (diffuse inside/outside), specular, singularities. - you may change `lights` colors and directions. - `view_shape` changes the volume that encloses the isosurface. - `view_radius` changes the sizes of the previous volume. - `grid_size`, `grid_thickness` and `grid_attenuation` changes the display of overlayed grids/spheres. - `rotation_x`, `rotation_y`, `rotation_z` changes the current object rotation speed. - `stop` stops the rotations.